March has come in like a lion. Like an ass-whuppin’ sadistic, son-of-a-gun angry lion. And the whining is deafening.
Instead of standing up to March and saying, “Yeah, bring it,” most people are crying to their shrinks about how sad and weary they are.
People we’re all sad and weary. It’s been one of the longest, crappiest winters in history. Just ask Janice Huff.
But the fact is, we’re not on the news. Know who’s on the news? Japan. Japan is on the news. Plane crashes are on the news. Tidal waves, earthquakes and disease are on the news. (And Janice Huff is on the news, but she’s a meteorologist.)
You’re not on the news. So stand up, go outside and get some exercise. Stop looking at the ground and griping about the mud. Look at the sky, which for once isn’t dropping buckets of frozen precipitation on our heads, and take in the fact that you can breathe and dance and drink fresh water by turning on a tap. (Unless there is fracking near you.)
You’re not on the news, people. Things are looking up.