Monday, April 26, 2010


I know we all have a lot of negative voices in our heads. Old stuff other people put there, negative thoughts we put there, doubts and other blocks we use to weigh us down and keep ourselves in the “safe” place of “not good enough”.

We’re going to do things a little differently today. We’re going to try an affirmation.

What? Sandra! I thought you hated affirmations! You used to call them wimpy people’s brain pacifiers!

That right, I did. Until I was put into a coma and had to scratch my way out of the body booby-trap. I discovered there are all kinds of tools we can use when we can’t use our bodies -- namely our minds!

For example, when someone is an ass on the train during rush hour I know I’d feel better if I could physically jab them in some way. Not kill them, but give them a good slap. But you can’t do that because it leads to assault charges.

But you can use your mind. Instead of taking physical revenge against someone I now prop myself up with this magical little ditty ...

“I am so fucking awesome.”

Try it yourself! Say it!

“I am so fucking awesome.”

You don’t have to use the f-word if you don’t want to. But it does have a kick to it. And you don’t have to feel particularly awesome, you just have to say it. You can say it out loud or to yourself. But say it. Try to say it about fifty times today.

I know I will. Because I am so fucking awesome.

1 comment:

Peter Michael Marino said...

It would be easier to say if I had a Sandra Rosary.