Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hurry Up and Get Well

So Sandra is slowly progressing in her physical therapy. And she's "speaking." (I don't understand her but I smile and nod a whole lot.) It's very boring. My heart goes out to caregivers who don't get paid to do it and who actually love the person they're caring for.

On the goose front: the three wounded geese are still traveling together. The geese are: Debra Winger (the ringleader), Lefty Winger, and Scrappy Winger. A mallard duck goes everywhere with them. I can't tell what his deal is.

The wildlife expert/goose wrangler won't call me back. So I just feed them. Beats feeding Sandra. At least the geese are afraid of me.

And one of the neighbors keeps shooting a gun. I can hear it "Pop Popping." But I can see the geese, so they don't seem to be the target. Maybe I should dress Sandra in brown and give her an antler hat and set her out in the woods. HAHAHAHA.

-Sandra's Assistant

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