Monday, June 21, 2010

Get Out of the Worry Game!

Worry is pointless. Even crazy fundamentalists of any stripe will tell you that. “Let go and let God,” they say. It works for them. Some people whisper to little worry dolls at night choosing to shift their burdens to tiny pieces of straw wearing clothes. Some folks stick pins in a pillow stuffed with lavender. Others light Glade Scented Candles and have a cocktail while they soak in a bubble bath crying and listening to Pasty Cline. If it works, good for you. There is more than one way to ditch worry.

Worry will never, ever work in a positive way.

Do you know what you’re trying to do when you worry? Prevent bad things from happening. But you can’t. So don’t try. Worry is pointless.

If you worry over what could be, trying to imagine what might happen, you are not thinking about the future. You are writing a play. A worry play. Stop. It’s not interesting, useful or productive.

Get out of the worry game.

I look forward to hearing your stories of immense personal struggle, and will continue to inspire you.

1 comment:

Scott Robinson said...

"You are writing a worry play." That's freakin brilliant! I may steal that.

Jesus' single most frequent recorded utterance is "do not be afraid/anxious."