Saturday, January 1, 2011

Make It!

So many people start off a new year wishing for wonderful things. But I say, “Why WISH?” Why put energy into crossing our fingers and knocking on wood and shopping for a new rabbit’s foot key chain?

Wishing brings out the WISHY-WASHY! Do you want to hang out with a wishy-washy, limp-rag, decision-making-impaired lazy-bones! Of course not! So why would you want to be one?

I say put away your wish and put on your MAKE. What are you going to MAKE happen this year? What are you going to MAKE happen this month? What are you going to MAKE happen this day?

Let’s put our MAKE on and MAKE some goals, people! I’m not talking “resolutions,” because “resolutions” can be broken. Every year in mid-January people sit around bars and pizza places all over America and whine about how they “broke their resolutions” after only a week. Then they order a pitcher of calories and have another bite of something double-crusted and stuffed with cheese. I know a lot can go into resolve, but resolve is far too easy to dis-solve!

But when you MAKE a goal the road is always open to meet that goal.

But Sandra, what if I get sidetracked and veer off the road and go traipsing in the woods?

The woods happen, people! Drop some crumbs to find your way out -- then get back on the road and achieve your goals.

You MAKE a map when you’re clear about what your goals are. A goal can always be met. Goals are the road signs on the Yellow Brick Road to your own, personal Emerald City.

Happy 2011! We’re going to MAKE this a fantastic year!

I look forward to hearing your stories of immense personal struggle, and will continue to inspire you.

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