Monday, August 2, 2010

Don't Fix It, Move On

I just spent the past five hours in an intense One-On-One O'Day Power Session with a client who wanted to change her past. For four hours and fifty-five minutes I listened to her go on and on and on about what she wishes she could do over and change.

Sister, if I had a dollar for every time I wished for a do-over I'd be a kerbillionaire.

But you can't change your past. It's done. Over. You can't fix it or improve it or tinker with the truth. The past is past.

My client finally lamented, "I just want to put my life back in drive and move forward," to which I replied, "Then stop looking in the rear view mirror."

Stop looking behind, people. Stop looking back. Throw you life into drive and step on the gas. Make it new and get it right this time. Or as close to right as you can.

See you on the road!

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