There are some people who just can’t enjoy their first cup of coffee in the morning. They’re too busy thinking about having their second cup. But the second cup isn’t quite as good as the first, but they didn’t really enjoy the first cup because they were too busy thinking about the next one. Then they spend the next cup thinking about how good the first one could have been and why isn’t the second cup as good as the first?
Some people spend their entire day rushing into the imaginary future, stopping back to search for the past they missed, then go speeding back into a make-believe future they create with “what-ifs”. They spend absolutely no time in the NOW.
People! Why all the mental time travel?
We get so wrapped up in the hornet’s nest of our brains we don’t even enjoy the most basic and simple pleasures in life. So shush up the screeching Howler monkey in your head and enjoy your coffee before it gets cold.
One thing at a time, folks. The future will be here soon enough, and it will be called NOW when it gets here. You will learn to recognize it by enjoying the simple things.
I look forward to hearing your stories of immense personal struggle, and will continue to inspire you.
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